Anyone from Alabama?

I am on beautiful Lake Martin!!! Near Auburn, AL! Go TIGERS!

Hi rogerlmc,
We just moved to Maine from Bama my boyfreind is a big Auburn fan loves the tigers. Welome to the site its greattttt. Sky

I live in metro Atlanta. I know it’s not Alabama but it’s still in the South.

I am from GA originally. LaGrange to be exact. Sbout 65 miles south on 85.

I am very familiar with Lagrange. A great place to live and the whole town gets high speed connection for their computers for free (very cool).

Just wanted to say hello and welcome. This is a great site.

It’s kind ironic when i first came to this site i was looking for a recipe that we had in Montgomery at a chinese restraunt. Never did find it but found alot more different recipes, and alot of great people to boot. Sky

hi, i’m from birmingham, but have been in ohio for 23 years. sure do miss the veggies down home. i tried to bring a lot of peas, corn, okra, back here the first summer we went back home. just about killed myself trying to can everything before it spoiled. my kids would’nt speak to me for a week.

No… But i got come idea about Alabama through my friend… This was the first time I had ever tried making a warm spinach dip and I must say that I was impressed! I did change a few things. I used roasted garlic parm. cheese sauce, as that was the closest I found at the local grocery store! I also took some shortcuts like using about 1/2 tsp. minced garlic, approx. 1 1/2 cups of “Italian mixture”(moz.,parm.,& provolone) cheese, and a little mild cheddar. The primary reason for using the “mixed” cheese was price. It was cheaper to buy the bag that buy the cheeses separate. I will make this again, it was wonderful!!!


Alabama Drug Treatment

Its not really bad, just haven’t stayed in touch. I didn’t know him and received a letter in the mail when I was getting ready to leave Panama in dec 1995. I met him on my way from amarillo, tx to Fort Drum NY via ft. payne when I had to come back home and get my car that had been shipped from panama. visited on the way to Fort Drum and stopped in for a good two to three weeks on the way home when I exitted the army. talked with him about three times since then telephonically. Last time we talked, he had suffered a heart attack and recovered but had to carry a oxygen bottle with him everywhere. that’s why I don’t know that it’ll even happen; but if it does, I’d like to meet some other BTers.


Alabama Alcohol Addiction Treatment

no i dont know …

war eagle!!! my family has a house on lay lake

Hi from NE Alabama between Gadsden and Anniston. Nice to meet you. Wonda

Guntersville, Al. here…!