Christmas Jell-O

Christmas Jell-O

2 large packages of green Jell-O
2 large packages of vanilla pudding
2 large packages of red Jell-O
1 container Cool Whip
maraschino cherries

Make green Jell-O according to package instructions.

Pour into large, clear glass bowl. Refrigerate and let set.

Make vanilla pudding according to package instructions. Pour on top of green Jell-O layer.

Refrigerate and let set. Make red Jell-O according to package instructions.

Pour on top of vanilla pudding layer. Refrigerate and let set.

Spread Cool Whip on top of red Jell-O. Chop up maraschino cherries and sprinkle over top of Cool Whip.

*Parfaits may be used instead of glass bowl.

Good one♥…I use colored candied fruit on top.