Cooking Tips

Cooking Tips

  • Do not refrigerate potatoes. The temperature in your cooler will
    turn the potato starch into sugar. you will then have to store the
    potatoes for up to two weeks at 50 degrees to convert the sugar
    back to starch. Always store your potatoes in a dark, cool, dry
    area with good air flow.

  • Roasting your meats fat side up will allow for continuous basting.
    As the meat roasts the fat will run down the meat as it renders,
    adding moisture and flavor.

  • Garlic’s flavor comes from sulfur compounds that are exposed when
    the membranes of the individual cells are severed or broken and
    come in contact with the air. So…understanding this we can assume
    that a clove of garlic that is run through a garlic press or
    smashed under your chefs knife will offer your dish a stronger
    flavor then will garlic that has been sliced or quartered. A
    roasted or simmered bulb will be even milder.

  • When beating eggs, it is always best to allow them to come to room
    temperature first; 30-45 minutes will do it. If you add a little
    water instead of milk, you will get more volume and a fluffier
    cooked product.