
I had to work today so we are having an easy to prepare meal. It is just browned chicken and peppers that you sprinkle a package of fajitas mix over. Serve in warm tortillas with any sides wanted–sour cream, cheese, salsa, lettuce etc. I serve it with doritoes. We are having ice-cream for dessert. Easy and everyone likes it! :smiley:

Don’t forget the EZ guacamole!

2 ripe avacados
1/4 of chopped onion
1/2 ripe tomato with juice squeezed out
1 garlic clove chopped fine
juice from 1/2 lime
2 tablespoons of ranch dressing
salt & pepper to taste

Cut avacado in 1/2, scoop out the yummy middle, mix in onion, tomato, garlic and lime juice and ranch dressing. Add salt and pepper to taste and dip those chips!