
I did this a while ago. For a poke cake, you want a very light frosting that isn’t too sweet. Try using Cool Whip. Let it thaw and spread it on liberally.


i know this isnt really a frosting, but i think nutella tops off everything. filling, frosting, delicious!

These are some great frosting ideas. Nutella is great as an alternative to frosting. Does anyone know of any lemon or maple frostings?

use 2 large boxes or
3 small boxes of instant pudding you can use any flavor just fix as directed on yhe box let pudding set up and add 1 regular size carton of cool whip to pudding mix together well and frosting is raedy to go. I have used chocalate puuding for chocalate cakes and white chocalate for white cakes and my family likes either better tha any other frosting. The cake must be kept refrgerated after it is iced