Hedgehog with a twist

This is a recipe for Hedgehog Slice
I can no longer eat walnuts so I replaced them with Toasted Almonds and II/2 T/spoons of Tia Maria. To Die For:
! Packet of Marie Biscuits (sweet Biscuits)
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup coconut
1/4 lb butter
1/4 cup walnuts (optional)
1/ tablespoon of cocoa
1 Egg
1 t/spoon Vanilla Essence/Extract

Break biscuits into a mixing bowl (small pieces - but not dust)
Melt butter, sugar, cocao and Vanilla essence in a saucepan, beat in egg and stir over heat until bubbles appear. Remove and add to biscuits mix.
Mix well and press into slice tray. Refrigerate and ice with chololate icing.