Keep on Top of High Blood Pressure (Heart Health)

Keep on Top of High Blood Pressure (Heart Health)

High blood pressure affects millions of Americans and can result in life-threatening conditions like heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. If you have high blood pressure, it is important that you:

Keep track of your blood pressure. Learn to read your blood pressure at home or have it regularly checked by a health care professional, and make sure to write it down each time (with date).

Talk to your health care provider about the names and dosages of your blood pressure medicines and how to take them.
If you think you’re experiencing side effects from taking your medicine, talk to your doctor. Another medicine may be better for you, or you could have a problem that is unrelated to the medication.

Refill your blood pressure medicines before they run out.

Take your blood pressure medicines exactly as directed.

Keep your follow-up appointments with your health care provider.

Choose healthier habits — for example, eat a heart-healthy diet, exercise regularly, and don’t smoke.

Ask your doctor or health care provider questions about your treatment and what you need to do to take care of yourself and lower your high blood pressure.

Remember, high blood pressure has no symptoms, so if you have it, you may not know it. You have the power to improve your blood pressure — make sure you follow the proper steps to a long and healthy life

B-man :wink: