Hi all,
I’m looking for any recipes 100 years old or older, anyone willing to share?
Hi all,
I’m looking for any recipes 100 years old or older, anyone willing to share?
Ingredients :
1 1/2 c. shortening
2 eggs
3 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 3/4 c. sugar
1 c. sour cream or buttermilk
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. lemon juice
Preparation :
Cream shortening, sugar, eggs; stir in milk, then add remaining
ingredients. The dough will be soft and sticky. Put on floured
board and sift more flour on cookie dough. Pat out about 1/2 inch
thick; cut; pat to shake off excess flour. Place on cookie sheet.
Bake at 450 degrees for 5-10 minutes.
the 1915 Watkins Almanac carries an interesting recipe for Apple Water–a pleasant drink for people with fevers. Carefully roast 3 good tart apples, preserve the juice, put in a quart pitcher, pour on it about a quart of boiling water, cover, and add a little Watkins Nutmeg or other of Watkins Pure Spices to taste.
Another favorite recipe for those who were sick seems to have been gruel. Their recipe for oatmeal gruel: Put four tablespoons of the best grits (oatmeal coarsely ground) into a pint of boiling water. Let boil gently, and stir often, till it becomes as thick as you wish it. Then strain it and add to it while warm, butter, wine, nutmeg, or whatever is thought proper to flavor it. For egg gruel: Beat the yolk of an egg with one tablespoonful of sugar; add one teacupful of boiling water on it; add the white of an egg, beaten to a froth, with any seasoning or spice desired. Take warm.
And there are some here:
Fry five or six slices of fat pork crisp in the bottom of the pot you
are to make your chowder in; take them out and chop them into small
pieces, put them back into the bottom of the pot with their own gravy.
(This is much better than having the slices whole.)
Cut four pounds of fresh cod or sea-bass into pieces two inches
square, and lay enough of these on the pork to cover it. Follow with a
layer of chopped onions, a little parsley, summer savory and pepper,
either black or cayenne. Then a layer of split Boston, or butter, or
whole cream crackers, which have been soaked in warm water until
moistened through, but not ready to break. Above this put a layer of
pork and repeat the order given above–onions, seasoning (not too
much), crackers and pork, until your materials are exhausted. Let the
topmost layer be buttered crackers well soaked. Pour in enough cold
water to barely cover all. Cover the pot, stew gently for an hour,
watching that the water does not sink too low. Should it leave the
upper layer exposed, replenish cautiously from the boiling tea-kettle.
When the chowder is thoroughly done, take out with a perforated
skimmer and put into a tureen. Thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful
of flour and about the same quantity of butter; boil up and pour over
the chowder. Serve sliced lemon, pickles and stewed tomatoes with it,
that the guests may add if they like.
This recipe is from The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887), by Mrs. F.L. Gillette which is in the public domain.
My great grama grew up with this little treat and passed it on to us:Its actually called a : Tittie ,it was a piece of buttered bread with sugar sprinkled on top.She was born in the 1900s ,and had it when she was a child so its pretty old.
Great question\request mmchummel … and your question coincides with our new thread, in the International Recipes Forum. It’s entitled “Heart & Home - Homestead Cuisine.” Aline has got this thread off to a great start. It would be nice to have all these recipes in one central spot…so If I may, I’d like to ask the good folks here to post your Old Recipes in the Homestead thread. It will be an ongoing collection…so check back often to see what’s been added. Ron…considering there are only a couple of posts, could you use your “move to” function and place these posts in the Homstead thread. Then perhaps you could lock this thread and folks could read and post in Homstead. Thanks,