Make Family Time Active Time (Heart Health)

Make Family Time Active Time (Heart Health)

The latest dietary guidelines for Americans recommend that children and teens be physically active for at least 60 minutes on most, if not all, days. Combined with eating right, this level of physical activity can help you and your children stay at a healthy weight and prevent gradual weight gain.

Trying to get in 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity on most days may seem like a lot. But you can do it, and doing it with the family can make it easier. You can:

Bike to the library together.

Go to your children’s sports events and cheer for them. Have them come to yours and cheer for you.

Celebrate a birthday or anniversary with something active — a hike, a volleyball game, a Frisbee match.

Make a plan with your spouse or child to train together to walk or run a 5K race.

Besides the health benefits, an active lifestyle can be lots of fun. There are many other ways to get your family moving — just use your imagination!

B-man :wink: