Maple Pecan Fudge
· 3/4 cup pecans, chopped
· 2 cup brown sugar
· 1 cup whipping cream
· 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
· 2 tbsp. butter, cut into small pieces
· 1 tsp. soda, baking
· 1 tsp. vanilla
Grease 8-in. (2 L) square glass baking dish; line with foil; leaving 1-in. overhang. Grease foil and set aside.
Grease side of heavy saucepan. Add sugar, cream, maple syrup, butter and pinch of baking soda. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly with wooden spoon until dissolved and boiling. If mixture does not foam up high when it boils, stir in remaining baking soda.
Boil without stirring for 8 minutes or until candy thermometer registers soft-ball stage of 238ºF (114ºC) or 1/2 tsp. syrup dropped into very cold water forms soft ball that flattens when removed from water. Immediately pour into clean wide-bottomed bowl, without scrapping pan clean. Let cool on rack to 100º F (38º C) 1 to 2 hours.
With wooden spoon beat in vanilla. Beat for about 7 minutes or until very thick and most of the gloss disappears. (Or use heavy-duty mixer with paddle attachment and beat fudge at medium-low speed for about 15 minutes.) Quickly stir in pecans. Immediately scrape into prepared pan; smooth top. Let cool on rack. Using foil overhang as handles, remove from pan; cut into squares. Yield: 1 lb.