New Forum

I know its the same forum, but I liked the old one better.

It takes a little time to get used to it. Change can be good.

Play around with it and you’ll see.

Have you tried switching the template? You can change the look and feel. There are 8 choices using the drop down menu at the very bottom left hand corner.

You can also customize a bunch of other things using the user control panel. Click the “User CP” link above.


Oldtimers like me always have to adjust slowly to change LOL. The new forum will definitely take some getting used to. I have a question. Is it only on {omitted}{omitted} computer that everytime the letters m.y. are used, whether as a word or in a word, the word(s) (omitted) appears? What’s up with that?

Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve fixed it.

There are certain words I try to censure out to keep this a family oriented site. Apparently I included “my” with that list by mistake.

I guess I’m an Oldtimer still getting used to the new forum also :slight_smile:

I wish I could be at your computer to help you. I’m not having any of the problems you mention so it’s difficult for me to understand.

I’m looking into it.

What connection speed are you using?

Is anyone else having this problem?

At the bottom, there is a box that either reads “Recipe Secrets” or “default”
You have to click the arrow on the right of the box to see the drop down options.

You may be having a problem with the flash header at the top. I’m going to change it to a static version tonight.

Please bear with me KW.

This is the type forum I have been used to for at least the last 4 - 6 years…
I have similar ones running on my web sites and the sites I visit have them also!

All I can say is nice update ! You all will get used to it and like it…at least we can hope !

Sorry you don’t like the new forum, but as soon as you get used to it, I think you will like it…It is just like anything new; takes time to understand and like it…! Different is scary, and unsure…but sometimes it better.
Dainty Dish

Oh Iam sure I will get used to it, as long as the wonderful recipes keep coming, its all good!