Years ago my friends and I hung out at an Irish pub. The Bartender there made a shot called a sit on my face. It was the best shot I have ever had. I never did find out what was in it, But I sure would like to know. The name is a little alarming for me, but if anyone knows I would love the recipe.
go to Google and type in: drink+sit on my face
Citron My Face recipe
1 oz Absolut® Citron vodka
1/2 oz Grand Marnier® orange liqueur
1 - 1/2 oz sweet and sour mix
1 oz 7-Up® soda
Mix over ice and strain.
18% (36 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
Sit on my face recipe
1/3 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
1/3 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur
1/3 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream
Layer in order.
22% (44 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
Sit On My Face Mary Jane recipe
1 part Bailey’s® Irish cream
1 part Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur
1 part Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
Pour all three ingredients into the shot glass and shake until mixed together.
27% (54 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
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