Tiramisu Risotto

Tiramisu Risotto

from Risotto by Jenny Stacey and Kathryn Hawkins

This is a traditional, rich dessert associated with, and loved by, Italians.

3 3/4 cups (950 mL) milk
1 1/4 cups (300 mL) heavy cream
1/4 cup (50 mL) butter
2 cups (500 mL) arborio rice
4 Tbsp (50 mL) strong black coffee
1 Tbsp (15 mL) cocoa powder
2 Tbsp (25 mL) sugar
3 Tbsp (45 mL) cognac
2 ox (50 g) coarsely grated semisweet chocolate

  1. Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer.

  2. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large skillet and stir in the rice. Cook gently, stirring for 2 minutes until the rice is well-coated in butter. Mix the coffee, cocoa, sugar, and cognac together and stir into the rice with a ladleful of milk and cream mixture.

  3. Cook gently, stirring until absorbed. Continue adding the cream and milk in small quantities for a further 25 minutes. Stir in the chocolate and serve in a warm dish.