Hi there, and welcome to Just Desserts. Aline and I will be your host moderators for this forum. We certainly hope everyone enjoys the dessert threads and you find that special recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth. Now you’ll be able to find a wide selection of recipes, in one central location. Whether it’s the final course of an evening meal, school snack(s) for the kids, an afternoon sweet tooth craving or pick-me-up, you’ll find it here. Multiple threads have been created to accomodate your submissions and provide for some semblance of order and ease of reference. Remember, it’s your forum too, so we need you to help make this forum a “sweet success” by posting up your recipes. Please remember to post within the confines of the established threads. If you can’t find an appropriate thread topic for your recipe…then place it in the Miscellaneous thread. This saves you having to retype it into the appropiate category, or risk having it purged, summarily.
Wishing you a “real sweet time” here,
Aline & B-man