Yogurt Kebab Directions

Yogurt Kebab Directions

500 grams of meat were taken twice
Two pieces of pita bread, kebab pita bread or a piece of Ramadan
half-stale bread
50 grams of yoghurt
1 grated onion
half a bunch parsley, finely chopped
black pepper
1 egg
half a cup vegetable oil
4 tablespoons butter
4 tomatoes
8 pieces of green pepper
Put a tray of meat to construction. into the egg, pepper, cumin, bread (soaked and water after shaking), grated onion, parsley, salt, and mix settings. Knead thoroughly ground beef patties and 12 inches long, do swell.

A small slice of pita bread into cubes, then chop. Hole to put food on the plate and add yogurt. Teflon pan fry the meatballs or grilled pita bread and yogurt on top and serve. Place red pepper in butter over girls have.

In another skillet, cook tomatoes and mild peppers. Decorate your yogurt and put it on the kebabs. Serve.