A New Hello from a Claussen pickle lover

Hello from Steamy MI! I have sought out recipes & hints without being a member for awhile. We planted a rather large garden this Spring after getting our thumbs a little green last year with salsa veggies. Before that it had been close to 15 years since we last had a garden! With last years growing pains we learned we didn’t plant enough big tomatoes. I managed to brew a few jars of salsa & tomato sauce. We were able to freeze peppers & green beans. Of course, the zucchini was more than abundant from June until frost! We have grown raspberries for 20 years. Last year, I tried to get more creative than just freezing them and made jam & sauce. I learned an old lesson to NOT DOUBLE the recipe, as it does not gel well.

I have read how people have ‘lost’ favorite recipes from years gone by. We lost a tried & true salsa recipe that was thick & loaded with veggies. It had just enough zest for a ‘medium’ & very flavorful taste. I searched the web endlessly trying to match the one that I could have done from memory years earlier. Needless to say, our batch last year was LESS than desirable.

When I was a young girl I canned pickles with my mom & dad. My aunt always had batches of crock pickles brewing. Fast forward many years & the favorite pickle of choice for my family is a refrigerated Claussen Kosher Dill. Knowing our cukes would be ready for picking this week, I read blogs & recipe forums for a week searching for that tried & true recipe. I may have found it here from a 2009 post :slight_smile: If you have a ‘proven’ recipe please send it my way!

We are a baking family that loves to try new recipes & tweak favorites of others. Myself & 2 college age daughters love creating something unique & fun with a flavorful surprise! Since we have a bountiful garden filled with a variety veggies & fruits including grapes, figs, Arctic Kiwi, & blackberries, along with our raspberries, I will be watching what everyone else is creating!

My goal is to include some gluten-free recipes into our life this year.

Vicki McMillan Bramer | Facebook

Hi & welcome…Lots of recipes here, actually more than a lot. Please share some with us also! Ah, steamy Michigan, I’m across that big “pond” to your west, WI. Not certain about you there but past 2 days & several more to come here are worse than steamy, more like tropical. Open the door & the air is so heavy it almost knocks you backward. Sure is great for my tomato plants though, they’re growing like weeds.

Good luck with the salsa recipe, I’m sure KW here can help or direct you.