ADOBE- (Philipino Chicken)

2lbs chicken parts without skin ( add on if family is larger)
1/2 cup soy sauce (add 1/4 cup to each lb)
1/2 cup vinegar (add 1/4 cup to each lb)
1 tsp ginger (add 1/4 tsp. to each lb)
Put chicken in pot without skin, add ingredients, cover with water, just above chicken, boil, then lower to meduim heat. Liquid must have a taste of mixture of half soysauce and half vinegar. Cook until chicken is tender, but does not pull apart. Serve with white rice or Oven fried rice. Oven Fried Rice Recipe. 1 cup Rice, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 onion, 2 small cans musrooms, 1 tsp. ginger, 2 cup water. Cook in oven 350 degrees, stir, cook for 30 minutes, stir cook until rice is cooked and some liquid is left, not dried. Addition to meal is sauteed zuccinni. Add zuccinni, onions, sautee in 4 tbls butter, or olive oil, cook zuccinni until tender, add diced tomatoes, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, oregeno,garlic to taste in a wok or skillet. Simmer for about 5 min. This combination is so great together. Makes a great meal.