Asian Beef and Noodles

Asian Beef and Noodles

1 1/4 c. ground beef
2 pkg. (3 oz each) Oriental flavor Instant Ramen Noodles
2 cups frozen veg. mixture (whatever veg. combinations you enjoy)
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
2 tablespoons sliced green onion

In a large, nonstick skillet, brown ground beef over medium heat for
10 to 12 minutes or until beef is no longer pink, breaking up to to
small pieces. Remove from skillet with slotted spoon; pour off
drippings. Season beef with one seasoning packet from noodles; set

In the same skillet, combine 2 cups water, vegetables, noodles
(broken up), ginger and remaining seasoning packet. bring to a boil;
reduce heat. Cover; simmer 3 minutes or until noodles are tender,
stirring occasionally. Return beef to skillet; stir in green

Makes 4 servings.