Baby Potatoes crowned with a Mustard Sauce

Baby Potatoes crowned with a Mustard Sauce

Ingredients :

Baby potatoes
250ml fat free smooth cottage cheese
60ml Dijon mustard
30ml wholegrain mustard
1 garlic clove, crushed
Salt and pepper

Directions :

1.Cook the potatoes in boiling water till just tender. Do not over cook themthey will become too soft.
2.Cool to room temperature.
3.Using a paring knife, cut the bottom section of each potato so that it will sit upright when served.
4.Cut a little hole at the top of each potato.
5.Mix all the sauce ingredients together.
6.Top each potato with the mustard sauce and sprinkle with chives.
7.As an option you can also cut an X across the top of each potato and then
squeeze the potato slightly before placing the caviar on top.