Bahama Breeze Banana Supreme With Butterscotch®

Bahama Breeze Banana Supreme With Butterscotch®

From Bahama Breeze, proof that bananas can taste good.

Banana Supreme with Butterscotch

Butterscotch Sauce (makes 1 cup)
2 oz Butter
4 oz Light brown sugar
1/2 cup Heavy cream
1 tsp Orange Triple Sec

Place the butter in a sauce pan on medium heat until completely melted.
Add the sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
Add the cream and bring to a boil while continuously stirring.
Remove from the heat and add the Triple Sec.

Bananas Supreme
1 loaf of Banana bread (room temperature)
1 Banana
Vanilla ice cream
Whipped cream
1 package of almond slivers, toasted
1 fresh mint sprig

Cut banana bread into 1/2"-thick slices. Layer three slices on a plate. Cut
banana into 1/4"-thick slices and place in sauce pan with heated
butterscotch sauce. Sauté bananas in sauce for about 30 seconds, long enough for them to soak and heat in the butterscotch sauce.

Scoop bananas from the sauce pan and place them on the plate, along side the banana bread. Drizzle warm butterscotch sauce over the banana bread and banana slices. Add one large scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the banana slices. Add three dollops of whipped cream around the ice cream. Sprinkle toasted almond slivers atop the banana bread, ice cream and banana slices and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Servings: 4