Bean & Sauerkraut Soup

Bean & Sauerkraut Soup


Three; (15 1/2 ounce) cans red kidney beans, drained and well rinsed
2 Medium Loin pork chops; cut into small cubes
2 Bay leaves
4 Quart Water
1/2 Pound Bacon
10 Cloves garlic
2 Pound Sauerkraut; well rinsed
3 Large Baking potatoes; peeled and quartered
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
n a large stock pot, over high heat, add the beans, pork chop cubes, bay
leaves and water and bring to a gentle boil.

In the top of a food processor, blend the bacon and garlic until combined.
Reduce the heat, add the bacon/garlic mixture to the soup and simmer gently for 1 hour.

Add the sauerkraut and potatoes to the soup and cook for another 30 minutes.

Keeping the soup on the heat, remove the potatoes, mash them, and return them to the pot. Season with salt and pepper to taste and gently simmer for another 20 minutes. Add some water if the soup is too thick.
Discard the bay leaves and serve.

B-man :wink: