Beef In Burgundy

This recipe was posted by Shadows from the Frugal Gourmet. Made it last night. There was a sale on Sirloin Tip so that is what I used. Overall, it was great…good flavor, but I think it would have been better with a lesser grade of beef. Does that make sense???

Here’s the recipe:

Category: BEEF
Serves: 8


6 Slice bacon
3 Pound good stewing beef
Olive oil or peanut oil
4 Cup burgundy or dry red wine
2 Cup brown soup stock
2 Tblsp tomato paste
3 Clove garlic, crushed - I use more
1/2 Tsp. thyme
1 bay leaf
Salt to taste
1 Pound mushrooms, browned in butter
3 Medium yellow onions, chopped, browned in butter


1/2 Cup flour
1/2 Cup butter

Cut the bacon into little strips, and blanch with boiling water. Fry gently, being careful not to burn them or darken the fat.
Remove the bacon from the pan and brown the meat in the fat, you may need to add a little oil. ( Note: do not flour the meat ). Brown the meat until a nice rich brown on all sides. Place the meat in a large 4 quart caserole or heavy pot.
Add the wine and soup stock. Add the tomato paste, garlic, thyme, a bay leaf and a little salt.
Deglaze the frying pan by putting back on the heat . When the pan is slightly hot, add a stiff shot of red wine, and move it around with a woden spoon. Add this liquid to the casserole or pot.
Bake in a 350f oven for 2 to 3 hours. ( I cook this on top the stove in a heavy pot).
When the beef is tender add the mushrooms and yellow onions. Cook for 30 minutes more and then thicken with the Roux. Serve over egg noodles or rice.

mix flour with the butter and brown until a nice deep brown.

Makes perfect sense!

The recipe called for good stewing beef, most of which comes from the front quaters. Sirloin tip is (next to, between) the front and hind quaters.
The meat from the front quaters has a different taste and texture then the meat from the hind quaters. It also has a different fat content.

So yes the flavor would have improved.
Sometimes the "best cuts " of meat are not the best for everything.

Thanks, BW…I had a gut feeling that I should have gone the other way. It still was very good, and the kitchen aroma was incredibly delicious; possibly the wine:) I will definitely do it right the next time. For the roux, I browned my flour (in my favorite all clad aluminum pan) and added melted butter. It cooked to a nice rich brown consistency. When I added the roux to the mix, she sizzled and blended right in. It was great.