I made some blackberry ice cream. The recipe didn’t say anything about straining out the seeds. Now I find the seeds annoying. Can I let the ice cream melt in the fridge, strain out the seed and put in back in the ice cream maker to re-freeze?
for less seeds for a blackberry pie I use ripe blackberries, washed and mashed (gently) in a bowl (less of a mess that way), place a sieve over a clean bowl and transfer the mashed berries (mashing a little at a time and straining a little at a time - then you need to rinse the strainer and repeat including rinsing inbetween) press with a wooden spoon to get the pulp - maybe the next time you can try that - I’m not sure of melting in the fridge and all that - but if you do it let us know - I’m just wondering just how “melted” it would have to be to get the seeds out…
I could mail it to you; it would be sufficiently melted to strain the seeds.
As far as blackberries and raspberries as well I always considered seeds to be a part of it so there is no issue for me. Why not try blueberries?
I try many kinds of fruits. Those annoying little seeds get stuck in between teeth and under bridgework. Not fun!
Ice cream melted in the fridge, seeds strained out and re-processed in the machine - results= a smooth creamy ice cream without those annoying seeds. It worked! Next time I will stain out the seeds before processing.