Blue Cheese n Bacon Mini Corndogs

Blue Cheese n Bacon Mini Corndogs

1 cup all-purpose flour
2/3 cup yellow cornmeal
2 Tbsp. sugar
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. shortening
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup blue cheese
1 egg
3 slices bacon, crisp-cooked and finely crumbled or chopped
Oil for deep fat frying
6 jumbo beef franks, cut in half crosswise
12 6-inch wooden skewers

Honey mustard or mustard
Blue Cheese Dip (optional)
Fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley (optional)

  1. In large bowl combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, dry mustard,
    and salt. Cut in the shortening until mixture resembles fine crumbs. In a
    blender combine milk, blue cheese, and egg; cover and blend until almost
    smooth. Add egg mixture to flour mixture along with bacon; mix well. (Batter
    will be thick.)

  2. Meanwhile, heat 1 inch of oil in a heavy 10-inch skillet over medium heat
    to 365 degrees F. (should take about 15 minutes).

  3. Insert skewers into ends of franks. Holding onto skewers, hold franks
    over bowl of cornmeal mixture. Spoon cornmeal mixture on franks and slightly
    spread to completely cover. Place coated franks, 3 or 4 at a time, on their
    sides in hot oil. Turn franks with tongs after about 10 seconds of cooking
    to prevent batter from sliding off. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes more or until
    golden brown, turning to brown evenly. Remove and drain on a baking sheet
    lined with paper towels. Keep warm in a 200 degrees F. oven while frying
    remaining franks. Serve warm with honey mustard and/or Blue Cheese Dip.
    Sprinkle parsley.

Makes 12 appetizer corn dogs.

Blue Cheese Dip:

In medium bowl combine 2/3 cup mayonnaise, 1/4 cup dairy sour cream, 2 ounces crumbled blue cheese, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper. Cover and chill until ready to serve.

Make-Ahead:Make these fresh. Skewer hot dogs ahead of time, cover and
refrigerate. Once fried, corn dogs can be kept warm in a 200 degree F oven
up to 30 minutes.