Boston Chicken Macaroni & Cheese

Boston Chicken Macaroni & Cheese


3 Cups Dry spiral−shaped pasta, Cook al dente, drain
2/3 Cup Milk (2% or regular)
1 Pound Velveeta cheese, light or
Cubed small
1/4 Teaspoon Dry mustard powder
1/2 Teaspoon Ground turmeric
Salt and pepper to taste

Place into top of double boiler over gently simmering water milk, cheese,
mustard powder, turmeric, salt and pepper in that order. Stir with whisk
occasionally until melted and smooth. Stir pasta into hot cheese mixture and keep hot until serving time over hot water, up to an hour. (If it begins to thicken up too much, dilute with a little milk). Never put into oven or over direct heat as it will scorch and change the texture to a sticky mess.

B-man :wink: