2 T. table salt
4 T. borax
1 1/2 C. warm water
12 inches regular cotton kite string or twine

Dissolve salt and borax in water.

Soak string or twin in the solution for 15 minutes.

Hang the string with a clothespin for five days to be sure it is
completely dry.

Use a paper clip to dip the string in melted wax three or four times,
coating it completely. Hang it up to dry as before. Store wicks rolled
up in a newspaper.

NOTE: Add 1 teaspoon of one of the following chemicals for colored

Strontium chloride for a brilliant red flame
Boric acid for a deep red flame
Calcium for a red-orange flame
Calcium chloride for a yellow-orange flame
Table salt for a bright yellow flame
Borax for a yellow-green flame
Copper sulfate (blue vitriol/bluestone) for a green flame
Calcium chloride for a blue flame
Potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate (saltpeter) for a violet flame
Epsom salt for a white flame

B-man :wink: