Candy Bar Cake (with Hershey Bars)

This is a great little cake for you “Chocolate Lovers”.
This cake and icing is sooooo easy to make.

Candy Bar Cake

1 (18.25-oz) pkg. Swiss Chocolate cake mix

1 small box instant “Chocolate Fudge” pudding

6 (1.5-oz) Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars with Almonds
(or Milk Chocolate Plain—it’s your preference)

1 (8-oz) pkg. cream cheese (softened)

1/2-cup granulated sugar

1-cup powdered sugar

1 (16-oz) container Cool Whip

ADD box of chocolate pudding to cake ingredients and follow package directions.

Pour into (3) greased and floured 8-inch round cake pans.
(or you can use two 9-inch pans)

BAKE at 325° for 20 to 25 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.
Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.
Remove from pans and cool completely on wire racks.

BEAT cream cheese, powdered sugar, and granulated sugar at medium speed with an electric mixer
until mixture is creamy.

CHOP candy bars in blender. Fold cream cheese mixture and chopped candy into Cool Whip.

SPREAD icing between layers and on top and sides of cake.

You don’t want your candy bars chopped coarse, they need to be chopped up kind of fine.

(This icing is wonderful)

Hey Grammy this sounds really good, I am looking for an occasion to make this now, if I make it for home I know me and I will sit and eat the whole thing. ;0

I so agree with Anonymous!! I can’t make it for home for the same reason!! (Sad statement!!) I can’t wait to try this one. Camping season is here with family and this will be my first contribution to our FUN!!! :smiley: