
Cook method:

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master ™ v8.01

Title: Chestnuts
Categories: Chinese, Condiment, Ceideburg 2
Yield: 1 servings


Still got those chestnuts sitting around? Heres what Ken Hom has to
say about preparing fresh chestnuts or use in Chinese cooking, along
with a recipe for a braised dish in which they can be used. The
recipe doesnt specify how many chestnuts to use so use your own

"The Chinese use the same Western chestnut with its sweet flavor and
soft, mealy texture in stir fried dishes and stews like Chinese Beef
Stew and in stuffings. Shop for large, dark brown chestnuts in the
fall, when they are in season. Dried chestnuts, once soaked, can be
used like fresh chestnuts.

For more information, visit Chestnuts - How to cook Chestnuts - luandian-recipe-food-cook-delicious