Chicken Fajita Pie

Thumbs up to KW for this recipe. I cooked it yesterday. I used regular fajita tortillas, regular sour cream and regular cheese (not low fat). Sorry, I’m a cheater, but I’m sure that it would be just as good with whole wheat tortillas and low fat ingredients. My husband was very impressed. He also cooks and kept saying over and over again (all evening) how good it was. Great flavor mix. Thanks, again KW! Regards, Paula

Chicken Fajita Pie

3 boneless chicken breasts, skinless
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
2 Tablespoons lime juice

1/4 cup chopped dried tomatoes
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup fat free chicken broth
1 onion, sliced
1 green peppers, sliced
6 whole wheat tortillas

1 cup picante sauce
1 cup grated fat free cheddar cheese
1 Tablespoon dried tomatoes
1/2 cup boiling water
1 cup fresh tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup chopped scallions
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon lime juice
1/2 cup fat free sour cream

  1. Three hours before serving, cut chicken into 1 inch strips and set aside.

  2. In medium bowl, combine pepper, cumin and lime juice; mix well.

  3. Add chicken to mixture, toss to coat and marinate for 3 hours in refrigerator.

  4. After chicken has marinated, remove from refrigerator.

  5. In large nonstick skillet over high heat, cook chicken in marinade for 6 minutes on each side; remove from heat and set aside.

  6. Preheat oven to 350? F.

  7. In small bowl, combine 1/4 cup dried tomatoes and 1 cup boiling water; let stand 5 minutes.

  8. Meanwhile, in large nonstick skillet over high heat, add onions, peppers and broth. Sauté for 5 minutes or until tender. Remove from heat and transfer to large bowl.

  9. Drain soaked tomatoes; add to onion mixture; stir to combine. Add chicken and mix well.

  10. Line nonstick pie pan with tortillas, overlapping to fit and cover edges of dish.

  11. Cover tortillas with chicken mixture; spoon Picante sauce on top of chicken mixture. Sprinkle with cheese.

  12. Bake for 20 minutes.

  13. Meanwhile, in small bowl, combine 1 Tablespoon chopped dried tomatoes and 1/2 cup boiling water; let stand 5 minutes.

  14. In large bowl, combine fresh tomatoes, scallions, chili powder and 1 teaspoon lime juice. Drain soaked tomatoes, add to scallions mixture; toss to mix.

  15. When pie has baked, remove from oven. Cover pie with scallions mixture. Spoon sour cream on top. Cut into 6 wedges to serve.

sounds wonderful, but do you have to use dried tomatoes? Wouldnt fresh chopped ones work? And you do two sets of dried tomatoe mixes with the 1/4 cup?