
12 pieces frying chicken
2 C. milk
1 C. all-purpose flour
2 C. coarsely crushed cornflakes
1 C. plain bread crumbs
1 T. cracked pepper
1 T. chili powder
1 T. salt
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 C. vegetable oil for frying
1/8 C. minced fresh cilantro (no stems)
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt

Soak chicken in milk overnight.

Roll chicken pieces in flour.

Mix together cornflakes, bread crumbs, cracked pepper,
chili powder and salt. Dip chicken in beaten egg and roll in
cornflake mixture.

Heat one-half of the oil in a large, heavy skillet over
medium-high heat until very hot, but not smoking. Arrange
6 pieces of chicken in pan. Fry until very brown and crispy,
approximately 9 minutes per side, turning once. Juices of
chicken will run clear when done. Drain on paper-towel-lined
tray in warm oven while frying remaining pieces.

Serves 6-8.

B-man :wink: