Chinese 5 spice Steak

This is something my husband and I absolutely love.

2 steaks
8 tablespoon Light Soy Sauce (can use reduced salt one too)
2 tablespoon Chinese 5 spice powder
2 tablespoon brown sugar
pinch salt (optional) I usually leave this out
Course ground pepper (to taste)
small amount of groundnut oil to fry in.


In a bowl put the soy sauce, chinese 5 spice powder, brown sugar, salt and pepper.

Mix well and then turn steaks in sauce until well covered.

Leave in sauce to marinade for a minimum of half hour

Place the groundnut oil in wok/frypan and heat.

Place the steaks in wok/frypan and cook to desired rareness/well doneness.

Serve on a bed of plain boiled rice (I use jasmin or basmati) or noodles.
