Choosing an Injection Site (Diabetes)

Choosing an Injection Site (Diabetes)

In general, there are three places where people traditionally inject insulin — the abdomen, the arms, and the legs. But which site gives you the quickest, most consistent absorption?
Several factors affect the way your body absorbs insulin. Warmth and exercise, for example, generally tend to increase the speed at which insulin is absorbed. This means that if you exercise your arms or legs after an injection, more insulin will be absorbed more quickly. But what if you don’t exercise? It then becomes difficult to predict how the insulin will affect your blood glucose.

For the most consistent absorption, try injecting into your abdomen. Insulin injected into the abdomen is absorbed quickly but predictably, so you know how it will affect your blood glucose time after time. Because your abdomen is usually covered by clothing and stays warm, insulin is absorbed rapidly from this area.

B-man :wink: