Coffee & Baileys Jello Cubes

3 pkgs gelatin
2 c coffee (hot, as strong as you like it)
5 T brown sugar
1/2 c whipping cream
1 c Bailey’s Irish Cream

Make coffee. Make it as strong as you like. Add brown sugar and mix until sugar is dissolved. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Let cool slightly. Meanwhile prepare an 8 x 8 baking pan lined with plastic wrap. Once the coffee mix is cool enough, pour in the coffee mixture and put into the fridge for about 2 hours, being careful not to melt the plastic wrap. Heat up the whipping cream. It should be warm. Stir gelatin into the warm whipping cream until dissolved. Add Baileys and mix. Let cool, but don’t let it gelatinize. Take Coffee jello out of the fridge and pour the Baileys mixture carefully on the coffee jello. Put in the fridge and chill for at least 6 hours (or overnight). Take the “Coffee & Baileys Jello” together with the plastic wrap out of the 8 x 8 baking pan. Cut it into cubes of about 1”using a thin sharp knife. Serve immediately or put them back into the fridge until use. Note: Should be make ahead one day prior serving. NOTE: Cooking time is for making one day ahead. Makes 30—35 cubes.