Cracker Barrel Fried Chicken

An old-fashioned buttermilk chicken dish served only on Sunday at Cracker Barrel. Simple and delicious fried golden brown. And for dessert – their carrot cake.

oil for frying
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons ground black pepper
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup water

Pour 3 to 4 inches of oil into a deep fryer or large pot and preheat the oil to 350 degrees.

Prepare seasoned flour by combining the flour, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Stir to combine well. In another bowl mix together the buttermilk and water. If your chicken breasts are not fairly uniform in size place them between two pieces of wax paper and gently pound them out with a meat pounder until they are more uniform in size. This will help with even cooking times. Pat chicken breasts dry with a paper towel.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper and then dredge into the flour, dip in buttermilk, and then dredge again in the seasoned flour and deep-fry the chicken pieces in the hot oil. Turn the chicken breasts during the cooking to make sure that both sides of the chicken are golden brown. This should take 7 to 8 minutes for each one to cook. When the chicken is done drain in a wire wrack.

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