Dessert Recipe Review

Give us your thoughts on a dessert recipe post of another member, that you’ve tried. This thread is for recipe review only. Any recipe(s) posted here will be purged without notice!

Aline & B-man

There was a recipe posted on the Recipe Exchange forum called "VERY GOOD CHOCOLATE CAKE ". Being a chocolate lover, I had to make it. Everyone in my family loved it. If you like chocolate, this is the cake for you.

BetK :wink:

I made the carrot cake with buttermilk glaze, and I have to say, that cake MELTS in your mouth, it is sooooo goooodddd. Thank you so much whoever posted the recipe! Everyone loved it!

carrot cake with buttermilk glaze is great. thanks

any good bread pudding recipes

If the request for a dessert pudding was made in the “Just Dessert” forum, why not post your pudding recipes in the “Custards & Puddings” category? This way others who visit the site looking for desserts can EASILY find them in the “Just DESSERTS” forum - instead of having a “mish mash” of recipes all over this site! What’s the purpose of different forums then!

This thread gives you an opportunity to post up your thoughts on a specific dessert recipe topic( not recipe review). Everything from appliances to technique and in between … anything goes, so long as it is related to the Forum and it’s themes… or just member to member dessert chit-chat. Remember…this is for chat only! If you have a question, post it up in the “HELP PLEASE!” thread. Any recipes posted in this thread will be purged without notice! Happy Baking…

Aline & B-man