Diabetic Ice Cream
1 (1.5 oz) instant pudding mix, sugar free
chocolate (or any flavor you like)
1/4 cup Splnda (or 6 pkts)
2 Tbsp cocoa, heaping
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
4 cups evaporated milk
4 oz Cool Whip Lite, frozen
Fruit (opt)
In a blender, combine pudding mix, Splenda, cocoa, milk and extract. Process on low until smooth. Fold in whipped topping and stir until smooth. Pour into shallow container, cover and freeze for thirty minutes; stir with a wire whisk and return to freezer until ready to serve. Or pour into an ice cream freezer and process per manufacturer’s directions. Can make any flavor, just use the kind of pudding mix you want and omit cocoa substituting a flavor to coordinate with pudding mix.