Does the Government use the Terror Alert for Political Gain?

no I do not think he would do that!

I am so proud that we have a God Fearing President! He has done a wonderful job with the shape that Clinton left it. I like the idea that he care and wants God to help our Country rather than someone that doesn’t even know God. President Bush we Pray for you and are 100% behine you.

A few times between the ages of 20 and 60? He changes his mind on every single issue, depending on what he thinks people want to hear. Kerry couldn’t stand up for what he believed in if he wanted too, as he doesn’t even know what he believes in. Oh, and, Kerry had access to the exact same intelligence as Bush. But considering his voting record, it’s no wonder he just went with one thing, then changed his mind when he thought that going against the war was what people wanted to hear.
As for Bush manipulating us all into going to Iraq, I find it so amazing that a lot of people believe that Bush is the biggest idiot of all time, yet he’s smart enough to trick all of America. He’s either a complete idiot, or he’s a brilliant trickster. Not both.
As for voting, I’ll be voting for Bush. Kerry has absolutely nothing to offer America. There are some things I don’t agree with concerning Bush’s administration. However, I feel he’s definately better than Kerry. He has a better grip on reality than Kerry does. And once he’s made a decision, he can stick with it.

Since when did being a ‘good man and a Christian’ have anything to do with the qualification for president? There are a lot of good Christian men and women but that does not qualify them for anything other than Heaven! I want someone concerned about jobs being exported, big business running amok and our soldiers being used as to force social change down other nations throats. I would have much more respect for President Bush had he put as much money, troops and effort into completing the job he began in Afghanistan and we had Osama bin Laden in jail rather than Suddam Hussein. Proof of the pudding is in the eating and we said we wanted to rid Iraq of Hussein because he was a dictator killing his own people. Well, many, many more are dying daily in Sudan under a far more brutal regime than Hussien could ever have imagined and we only whine and grut. Oh yes, I remember now, Sudan has no oil!!!



I remember a financial surplus when Clinton was president and now we have the largest deficit in our history with no end in site. I remember more jobs and I know I was better off under Clinton than I am under Bush and I did not fear the future as I do now. I believe Bush knows how to use two very important idiot buttons in many people: religion and fear, and that he does very, very well. If I remember correctly this is a land of freedom of religion and not a Theocracy! Then again, I must have missed something from all the Bible thumping going on. I believe we need both freedom of religion but perhaps more importantly today, FREEDOM FROM RELIGION!

No I don’t think president Bush used the terror alert for political gain. Kerry and his people are just helping the the war in Irac with radical islamics

I must say that the one thing the has come to light in my mind during all this is just how naive the American Public really is. No wonder so few vote! Anyone who believes all the political gibberish about freedom, mom, and apple pie deserves a man like George Bush and are not worthy of a thinking man. Our founding fathers would be ashamed of such an end to the noble experiment they began!!!

The issue is not the gaining of popularity but rather one of power. Remember the old saying about power corrupting… it is true. I follow no one because they make a decision and then stick to it regardless of the facts. If that were true then those who followed Hitler were just as correct because he certainly never changed, only got worse. I am afraid that a man unwilling to change his mind has very little to deal with from the beginning.

:lol: Hey the terrorists were bombing and blowing up US interests around the world for 10years. Where was Kerry during this time?He spent 4 months in vietnam and Ran. Bush spent 31/2 years fighting terrorists and plans to continue. I believe the threat is very real. we are an open country we don’t want to give up any freedoms so of course we are a Target.Kerry is to wishey washy for my blood besides I am on social secutity an every time a Democrat got in office they have messed up the social security more check it out yourself’ A Democrat Roosevelt started it said it was volentary, no taxes on it , another dem. taxed it and made it manditory another dem put its assets into the general fund believe it was kennedy, then Carter gave immagrents over 60 s.s. even though they never paid a dime into it. then clinton taxed it and Al Gore was the deceiding vote. Do we need another Dem in office? :idea:

George Bush is an honorable President who has the country in his heart
and not his pants like Bill Clinton. The world might not like us but at least least the respect us which is the first time in 12 years.

William J. Brittingham
Ocean View, Delaware 19970

Let me see now, Republicans never wanted SS in the first place and fought it tooth and nail, Republicans were against Civil Rights legislation saying all the rights needed were already guaranteed by law, Republicans want now to pass an amendment to the Constitution to prevent equal rights being given to all citizens, they have fought unions because they wanted fair pay and decent hours, they fought against, and still are fighting against a raise in the minimun wage but support big business executives on almost all issues. The Democratic Party has always been the party of the working man and always will be. Even now, Bushes tax break does not help the middle or lower segments of society. I know I never saw a dime of it!!! But if I made millions, well, that would be a different story. So, don’t play the Social Security card. The Republicans certainly have enjoyed raiding it for Iraq!!!

Respect? What countries respect us? They respect our money we pay them to support us or they respect the gun we pull on them. I too would ‘respect’ a criminal who had a gun on me and call him sir. But was my respect really for him or his gun? And when his back was turned and I could get the jump on him I know I certainly would try.

I see there is no shortage of people willing to give their opinion of our fine president. Free speech is what it’s all about. But please, Learn to spell his name, afterall he is the President. I have seen MANY spelling it “Busch” like the beer lol

Do not think the president uses a terror threat as political gain. If he were not cautious for our safety then his detracters would say “he is being careless”. Just as the hearings recently for why the 911 attack had been allowed to happen, any terrorist event would be “all his fault”. Any president during this time would be in a NO WIN situation.

I am sorry to agree with you, that both parties supported the pre-emptive invasion of another country. But that support was given on false information and lies. I was so sick of hearing the term ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction.’ There were nations that tried to tell us, to warn us, that we were wrong, and lo and behold, we were very wrong. We are ruining our economy and losing American lies on, at best, incorrect information, and at worst, out and out lies. I believe the latter. I believe the President knew there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction but needed an excuse for political advantage. From what I am reading here, his gambit paid off.

Being a Viet Nam veteran, I know that our government is not above lying to us and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain foolish. All governments lie and people create situations to further their hold on power. We are so naive!

How can you slander a person with such ease? I am a Viet Nam veteran. I know the truth that Kerry spoke in Washington in 1971 and continues to speak. He is a man of integrity and honor who is being bashed by Right-wing biggots just as Senator Max Cleland was in Georgia by the Republican Party. Max Clecland gave all he had to give and more and accomplished much even though he was disabled in the service of his country. For Republicans to even suggest that he was somehow unpatriotic was without even a tinge of humanity. But they had to win at any cost, just as Bush has to win at any cost. We Viet Nam vets were treated like dirt when we returned and now we are treated like dirt by the politics of the moment. Is there no end? At least Kerry had the honesty and care to volunteer for Viet Nam service, as did I. That is what happens when you believe the lies coming out of Washington. History truly does repeat itself. Did Bush volunteer? I think not! He is an arrogant and rude man and is dangerous for this nation. I am ashamed that I voted for him in 2000 and ashamed that he is President of this once great nation.

I remember when 9/11 occurred. I was apprehensive at that time because he was new in office and could he deal with this situation effectively. At the time and the months following everyone was with him and supported him 100%. I personally think he has done a great job and would be more comfortable with him as our leader for the next four years.
He has my vote and support. It scares me to see someone else get in and not support what Bush is doing.

Ohio Supporter

[/quote] It is a pity that you are so dam stupid…Since you are living outside the country why don’t you invite Streisand, Sheen, Asner, Sarandon,Roberts,Chase,Reiner,Speilberg,Goldber, Garafola, Franken Baldwin and the rest of the degenerates in Hollywood to join you so we can clean our country up from the likes of you and them…[/quote] YEAH :!: :!: :!: :!:

[/quote] It is a pity that you are so dam stupid…Since you are living outside the country why don’t you invite Streisand, Sheen, Asner, Sarandon,Roberts,Chase,Reiner,Speilberg,Goldber, Garafola, Franken Baldwin and the rest of the degenerates in Hollywood to join you so we can clean our country up from the likes of you and them…[/quote] YEAH :!: :!: :!: :!:[/quote]

Such a nice guy! So, freedom to dissent means nothing to you! And the sad thing is that you are not alone. I am sick of hearing this ‘love it or leave it’ bull as though somehow you don’t love it if you don’t agree with the government, somehow you are unAmerican and unPatriotic. I heard all this bull 35 years ago and it is just as stupid today as it was then.