Easy Shrimp Rice Bowls

Easy Shrimp Rice Bowls

1 pkg of frozen shrimp (or fresh shrimp)
1 cup of rice
2 cups of water
1/2 cube of chicken boulien
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/2 cup zuchini
1/2 cup asparagus


  1. Cook the rice with the water and boulien cube until the water is absorbed.
  2. Stir fry the veggies for about 5-8 minutes.
  3. Add shrimp and continue to cook shrimp/veggies for an additional 5 minutes (or until shrimp is cooked)
  4. Plate by laying a bed of rice, then placing shrimp/veggies on top. Season to taste with soy sauce, pepper.

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