Fixes for Fast Food ( Diabetes )

Fixes for Fast Food ( Diabetes )

Most fast food restaurants have adopted the “bigger is better” attitude by inflating portion sizes over the years. The calories in a large soft drink or a super-sized burger can sabotage your healthy eating plans. If you have to have those shakes and fries, there are some ways you can control your calorie intake.

The easiest way is to choose the smallest serving available. Just choosing a regular cheeseburger instead of a double cheeseburger will save you more than 200 calories. Most important is to replace high-fat items with lower-fat alternatives. For example, choose a baked potato with salsa or steak sauce (instead of butter and sour cream) to replace French fries.
Order sandwiches without sauces, and order salads with low-fat dressings (or get them on the side so you can control the amount of dressing you put on your salad). When low-fat options are not available, leave a few fries or a few bites of your sandwich on the plate, and skip dessert. Remember, however, that there’s only one real way to reduce the fat and calories in fast food: Reduce how often you eat it.

B-man :wink: