Following the Storm...

Last Friday Evening the power went out here in southern Ohio as well as lots of other places. We did not have power restored for a week. So, everything in our freezers were thawing. Here is what I did with a package of stew beef:

Following the storm when the power was finally restored, I used the stew beef we had been keeping chilled with ice by boiling it in salt water for about an hour until it was so tender, an old woman with no teeth could chew it. I then added some more water, brought it to a boil again, and added Pene noodles, and set the timer for 10 minutes. Then I poured off excess water, turned down the heat, added a fourth sick of butter, some milk, stirred in some sharp cheddar cheese, 2 small cans of mushrooms, drained, and a large can of spaghetti sauce.

MMMM MMM! That was so good, I felt like a young groundhog in a field of clover with 2 sets of teeth!

Try it and let me know what you think.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to buy an emergency generator if the outages are often and last long enough for frozen food to go bad?