Foot Swelling: Pinpoint the Causes ( Diabetes )

Foot Swelling: Pinpoint the Causes ( Diabetes )

Are both of your feet swollen? If they are, you’ll probably have to look a little higher for the causes. If you have too much fluid in your system, gravity pulls it to the lowest part of the body, where it collects. Subsequently, your feet and ankles will swell. People with high blood pressure frequently have this kind of swelling. If your heart is too weak to pump blood throughout your body, the liquid portion of the blood will leak out of the blood vessels and collect in your feet. People with congestive heart failure have this kind of swelling. If your kidneys do not function well and you lose protein in your urine, your may also experience swelling in your feet.

Another possible cause of foot swelling is inactivity. When you are normally active during the day, the muscles in your legs help move blood and fluids back to the heart so they can recirculate. If you are sitting in a car or riding on an airplane all day, your leg muscles will not be working as much and fluid will pool in your feet and legs. That’s why it’s a good idea to get up and walk around every hour or two on an airplane. If you’re taking a long car trip, stop and walk around at a rest stop when you can.

B-man :wink: