For the Ladies!!!

Herbal Bath Salts


Epsom Salts
Sea Salt
zip-type bags to mix the salts and oils in
Essential oil (not flavoring oils – but “real” essential oil)
Potpourri herbs of choice
Food coloring (optional)
Glycerin (optional)
bathroom decor bottles (optional)
1 Ribbon to decorate bottles (optional)

Using approx. 2-to-1 proportions Epsom Salt and sea salt, mix in a big
pan. This is your bath salt “base”. Measure about 1 cup of the salt
mixture int o each zippy bag. Place about 4 drops of essential oil
into the salt mixture in each bag. Zip the bag closed and mix the salt
and oil.

Tear potpourri herbs into tiny pieces and add to the bags (suggested use:
lemon verbena, rose petals, lavender. Don’ t know why we tore them
except that they did look nicer all mixed with the salts. And, obviously, we didn’ t tear the lavender; because it’s already tiny! I suppose that larger pieces could clog up your bath drain, too.)

Zip the bag closed and mix until you are happy with the proportions.
Here is where I stopped adding things … but others added a drop or
two of glycerin to the salts to soften your skin. However, we were
told that anyone who might be using the salts with a Jacuzzi should
not use glycerin in the mixture because it would be bad for the
Jacuzzi. Others added the food coloring to the salts and they turned
out pretty, too. I didn’t care for the red colored salts, personally,
because the color didn’t come out quite pink or red either. The
glycerin and the food coloring will also give the salts a “wet look.”
We were told to keep the salt mixture in the zippy bag and to mix it
around once a day for 2 weeks. Then, we could pour it into the
decorated bottles!

A recipe from Mrs. B-man :wink: