Fried Chicken in a Turkey Fryer

Since we invested in a turkey fryer this Thanksgivimg, we thought we should make the most of the oil we bought for that occasion and fry something else. My husband will be frying a whole chicken tonight. Wash and thoroughly dry a whole chicken–inside and out. Sprinkle with spices, as desired. We use a little salt, pepper and garlic powder. Set chicken on skewer of turkey fryer. Fry for 3-5 min. per pound until the juices run clear and internal temp. is 180. We did it for 3 min. the first time and it wasn’t done so we wound up putting it back in for 2 more minutes per pound. Tonight we will go with the 5 min. per pound. I am serving stuffing and two vegetable side dishes–neither home made! Chocolate chip Christmas cookies for dessert to finish it off. We were quite pleased with how the turkey came out and look forward to having the chicken tonight!

for whole chicken in turkey fryer you need to cook it 8 minutes a pound ,the reason being is that the chicken has a smaller cavity so it has less cooking surface exposed to the hot oil ,also try injecting the chicken with a garlic/butter sauce in breast and thighs,its to die for

I received one of these for my birthday right after they first came out… Will never deep fry a turkey again (been doing that for 10 years). No oil to buy or dispose of when used up. I have cooked turkeys, chickens, prok tenderloin, leg of lamb, and even bbq cabbage in this it is awesome!!! Char-Broil | The Big Easy Oil-less Turkey Fryer

I need to fry chicken for a crowd,(fried cutup chicken) do I cook cut up chicken 8 mins per lb as well?