Get Control Before You Eat ( Diabetes )

Get Control Before You Eat ( Diabetes )

High blood glucose before a meal tells you that your liver is making too much glucose and it needs to slow down. Insulin jump-starts this process. Because it takes time for insulin to be absorbed from your skin and to reduce the liver’s glucose production, you should take your usual dose of insulin and wait 60 to 90 minutes (instead of the usual 30 to 45 minutes) to eat.

This will allow your blood glucose level to fall toward the normal range before you eat, giving the insulin a “head start.” The goal is not to become low before eating — this can be dangerous — but to gain control over high blood glucose. An alternative is to take lispro insulin 15 to 30 minutes before your meal, which should lower your blood glucose more rapidly than regular insulin.

B-man :wink: