Getting With the Program

Getting With the Program

If you are ready to devote the time, attention, and effort necessary to succeed at weight-loss, start by selecting your short- and long-term weight loss goals. Try to find a program that will help you meet those goals. Choose a program that focuses on eating healthy, increasing activity, improving self-esteem, and maintaining the weight loss.
Look for programs that help you change your eating habits through information, guidance, and skills training. Ask for program literature listing the credentials and training of the staff and factual information about the program’s success rate. A safe, reliable program will inform you about any possible risks that it poses (especially if it includes a very low-calorie diet, medications, or surgery).

It should monitor your weight and continue to work with you on your meal plan and activity habits over time. Discuss with your health care provider how the program will work for you in light of your medical history and weight-loss expectations. Make a plan for regular checkups to measure the changes in your health after you begin the program.

B-man :wink: