Hi! New here!

Hi everyone! i actually found this site when looking for the Ihop Belgian waffle recipe! haha so thank you to whoever posted that. i’ll have to give it a try!

i’ll definitely be coming here a bit- this looks like a great forum!

just wanted to say hi :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,just starting out to learn of this place,awsome,so many things here,and it seems lots of good friends too.

Yes,God is good!

Greeetings! I am a “newby” (Of course), and am just exploring stuff. I like the recipe feeds. I am primarly interested in “old fashioned” type of recipes, you know, the ones that are made with fat, sugar and caories. I feel that eating a smaller amount of good tasting food wnd enjoying it is so much better than a load of low fat, no taste, and unsatisfying food. I hope to find these type of recipes here. So far, I lie looking at some of the stuff that has been posted. Seemslike a lot of smart cooks in here!