
Hullo! I stumbled on this forum due to random google searches, and it looks fun, so I figured to give it a go!

I cook as a hobbyist. My food isn’t alway pretty looking, but almost always has a 5 star taste!

I live in California and have a year round farmer’s market so I have a lot of variety of ingredients to choose from.

I generally try cooking traditional flavors, oriental fusion, sauces and soups.

I have yet to meet a veg that I don’t like, but I have a tendency to forget to use them.

My cooking staples usually include mushrooms, garlic, wine(for drinking and cooking), squash(acorn, butternut, zucchini…etc.), spices, citrus and either fish or chicken.

I joined mostly to share recipes, steal recipes, and kinda expand my cooking horizons.

So that said… Hello!