Homemade Corndogs

My family LOVES these corndogs. Once you make these you will never want another frozen corndog. They are so easy and just cost pennies to make.

This in enough batter for about 6 hotdogs.

1-cup flour
2/3-cup cornmeal
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1-teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons oil
1 egg
3/4-cup milk

Remove the hotdogs from the package and roll them up in paper towels to dry them; let them sit in the paper towels while you make the breading. The breading will not stick to wet hotdogs.

Put the hot dogs on a Popsicle sticks

Mix the ingredients together. Place the batter in a tall glass; the batter will be thick.

Dip the hotdogs in the batter and fry at 375°. Cook two corndogs at a time, rolling the corndogs against one another to cook evenly on all sides.

Cook until golden brown; drain on paper towels.
