Homemade Perogies

Have to admit, have made alot of shortcuts over the years, people still love them. Had a dinner party last night, and guests were thrilled :slight_smile:

Did you forget to add your recipe to your posting?

please add your shortcut recipeā€¦

i never eat thatā€¦hope that will niceā€¦plz add the reciepe plzā€¦


Since the recipe was not posted, I`m, thinking the short cut was using wonton wrappers instead of making homemade dough. They are great. Just make the filling you likeā€¦potato and cheese for instance and place a dollop of filling on each wonton wrapper, moisten the edges and fold over like a triangle, and pinch edges to seal well. Lay them on a flowered board or kitchen towel until ready to cook. Drop them in boiling water and cook just till they float to the top. Drain them and pour melted butter and sauteed onions over them and enjoy!!! This is so much easier than rolling out the dough.Hope this helps.

This may be a dumb question, but I have to ask. Wonton wrappers are not available to me; can I then use crescent rolls from say Pillsbury and bake or boil them? It not, what else might I use? Thank you.

Right now I can not look to see which book it was in, but Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet, had a recipe for Perogies that I have made several times. THe dough is the harest part but even that is easy and the filling are limited only by your imagination.

An Authentic Polish Basic Pierogi recipe:

1 large egg, lightly whisked
2 tablespoons sour cream
1 cup whole milk
1 cup water
5 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for surface and dusting
Yellow cornmeal, for dusting

Whisk together egg and sour cream. Whisk in milk and water. Stir in flour, 1 cup at a time.

Turn out dough onto a floured surface. (Dough will be loose and sticky.) Using a bench scraper, turn and fold dough to knead, dusting with flour as needed, until elastic and no longer sticky, 8 to 10 minutes. (Dough will come together as you knead it. Be careful not to add too much flour, since it will toughen the dough.) Cover with an inverted bowl; let rest for 1 hour.

Divide dough into 4 equal pieces. Line a rimmed baking sheet with a clean linen towel, and dust generously with cornmeal to prevent sticking.

Roll out 1 piece of dough on a lightly floured surface into a 1/8-inch-thick round (keep other pieces covered).

Cut out circles very close together, using a 3-inch cutter or glass (5 inches for the plum version). Cover with plastic wrap to prevent dough from drying. Repeat with remaining dough.

Fill pierogi: Place filling in center of each dough circle. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Holding 1 circle in your hand, fold dough over filling. Pinch edges, forming a well-sealed crescent.

Transfer to cornmeal-dusted towel, and loosely cover with plastic wrap. Repeat with remaining dough circles and filling. Working in batches, transfer pierogi to boiling water. They will sink to the bottom and then rise. Once they have risen, cook through, about 2 minutes more (or up to 4 minutes for plum pierogi, depending on ripeness). For savory pierogi, coat a platter with half the butter. Transfer pierogi to platter using a slotted spoon. Drizzle tops with remaining butter, and season with salt. For sweet pierogi, transfer to a platter using a slotted spoon, and dot with sour cream.

My Grandmother made perogies. I never realized how much work was involved but they are well worth it. I have made them a few times and my family loved these. I even had them for breakfast with eggs and bacon. I freeze two in a package and use them when we are wanting them. I defrost them a little and add butter in the pan and fry them until golden brown. Sooooooooooooo good

Oh by the way I make the cheese and mashed potatoe perogies, husband likes sauerkraut and mashed potatoes too( only make a few of them for him lol)

There is a simular dish that is russian and is called a Peroski. It is like a large perogi but has three different fillings laid side by side and wrapped and when cut you get a portion of each. Does anyone have a recipe for these.

Alos, some years ago when Costco Opened a store in Pompano Fla. they had frozen Perogis. I forget who made them but they were very good and easy to either bake in oven or nuke for a quick treat. If anyone know of these and where to get them. let me know.