how do i flavor oatmeal?

I made oatmeal yesterday and for a half cup serving i used 1 packet size of granulated sugar and some cinnamon and it was still bland. does anyone have any ideas to make oatmeal taste better?

that does sound really good but i am also concerned about eating too much sugar. is there anything i can do to add flavor and watch my diet?

It won’t save on calories, but dark brown sugar gives a great taste to oatmeal.

How about Agave syrup, Ertyhriol or Xylitol? All of these are available at my local health store.

I’m a big fan of oatmeal,especially during the cold winter months, at my house we love it with strawberry jam,about 1 tbsp…enjoy

Indeed oatmeal is not really fun to eat but because of the benefits we are forced to eat it. My suggestion is that try to put grated chocolate bar and low fat milk in to your oatmeal, this way there is no need for you to worry about too much sugar because its already sweet.Some of the doctor says that chocolate is also good for the health because it does not only give us energy it also give us also good mood. Enjoy your oatmeal! :slight_smile:

Indeed oatmeal is not really fun to eat but because of the benefits we are forced to eat it. My suggestion is that try to put grated chocolate bar and low fat milk in to your oatmeal, this way there is no need for you to worry about too much sugar because its already sweet.Some of the doctor says that chocolate is also good for the health because it does not only give us energy it also give us also good mood. Enjoy your oatmeal! :slight_smile:

You can also put cut up apple pieces during the cooking and add cinnamon sugar to it.